Charles Powell

Charles Powell


Elcano Royal Institute, Spain

Charles  Powell  has  been  director  of  the  Elcano  Royal  Institute  since  2012,  and  a professor  of Contemporary  History  at  CEU San  Pablo  University  since  2001. Born  in  1960  to  an  English  father and  a Spanish  mother,  he  read  History  and  Modern  Languages  at  the University  of  Oxford,  which  also  awarded  him  a  Doctorate  in  History.  While  at  Oxford,  he  was  a lecturer at  Corpus  Christi College,  a J.  A.  Pye  Fellow  at  University  College,  and  a  Junior Research  Fellow  at  St. Antony's  College.  He  has  also  been  a  visiting  professor  at  the  Catholic  University  of  Portugal and  the Hebrew  University  of Jerusalem. From  1997  to  2000,  he  was  deputy  director  of  the  European  Studies  programme  of  the  Ortega  y  Gasset University  Institute,  and  was  later appointed  Deputy  Director  of  the José Ortega  y  Gasset Foundation’s Spanish  Centre  for International Relations  (CERI).   In  2001  he  joined  the  Elcano  Royal  Institute  as  Senior Analyst  for  Europe,  and  in  2004  he  was  appointed  Deputy  Director  for  Research  and  Analysis. Dr Powell has  published  six  books  and  dozens  of articles  on  Spanish  political history  and  foreign  policy, European  integration,  and  the  liberal international order. During  his  career,  he  has  supervised  eight  doctoral  theses,  examined  thirty,  and  taught  and  lectured  in more  than  forty  countries  in  Europe,  Africa,  America,  and  Asia. Charles  Powell  is  an  Officer  of the  Order  of  the  Star  of Italy  (2015),  a  Companion  of  the  Most  Distinguished Order of  St  Michael  and  St  George  (2017),  a  Commander of the  Order  of  Merit  of  the  Republic  of  Romania (2020),  and  a  Knight  of  the  Order  of Merit  of  the  Republic  of  Poland  (2021).

Wednesday 26

  • 18.20 - 19.00

    The Day After the War in Ukraine: A View of Southern Europe


    location_onAhrweiler Hall | European Cultural Centre of Delphi

Thursday 27

  • 10.00 - 10.45

    Bridge Over the Atlantic: Renovating the Transatlantic Partnership to Fit the Increasingly Multipolar War


    location_onLeto Hall | Amalia Hotel