Maria  Spyraki

Maria Spyraki


European Parliament, Greece

Maria Spyraki is awarded MEP of the year 2019 for Industry, Research, and Innovation. She is now serving her second mandate in the European Parliament with of Nea Demokratia party - European People's Party (EPP), as a member of the Committees Industry, Research, and Energy (ITRE), Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) and Committee of Beating the Cancer (BECA)She is also co-chair of the Intergroup on Climate change, biodiversity and sustainable development and Vice-Chair at Delegation for EU relations with the People's Republic of China.

During this mandate she has been the rapporteur on the Motion for Resolution on Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. She was also the rapporteur of the opinion on “Maximizing the energy efficiency of buildings" on behalf of ENVI Committee and the shadow rapporteur on behalf of EPP on "Energy Storage" report and on the Public Loan Facility in the Just Transition Mechanism at ITRE Committee.

Maria Spyraki's first degree is in Chemistry at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has an MSc in Energy Law, Business, Regulation and Policy from International Hellenic University, Greece. She has worked for 22 years as a journalist, until 2014, when she was elected MEP.

Moreover, she has attended three summer schools at the College of Europe, Bruge, and (Energy Union Summer School, Negotiations in practice and Intensive Seminar of the EU). Also, she has graduated from two e-learning programs from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens on Crisis Management and the Financial Crisis of 2010.