Kawa Hassan

Kawa Hassan

Nonresident Fellow, Middle East & North Africa Program

Stimson Center, Belgium

Kawa Hassan is the Executive Director of Stimson Europe, Senior Fellow, and Director of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Program at the Stimson Center. Prior to joining Stimson, Hassan was Vice President and MENA Program Director for the Brussels Ce nter at EastWest Institute (EWI). In that role, he expanded the EWI MENA Program by leading the Iran Saudi Dialogue Initiative and AlgeriaMorocco Business Dialogue, developed a protocol on Preventing Incidents at Sea (INCSEA) in the Gulf region, conducted shuttle diplomacy between the two main Kurdish parties in Syria and facilitated common understandings on power sharing. Hassan also worked with Iraqi stakeholders, neighboring countries and the European Union, to develop policy recommendations aimed at im proving bilateral and multilateral relations between Iraq and its neighbors, expanded fundraising, engaged with governments, donors, policy makers, practitioners and academics in Europe, US and MENA, and provided thought leadership on MENA affairs. Kawa Ha ssan is author and editor of numerous publications and a frequent media commentator on Middle East developments. He contributed the chapter, “ Order: State Pillage and Social Protest in PostSaddam Iraq A Collapsing ,” to the edited volume of George Mason Un iversity, “ From Territorial Defeat to Global ISIS: Lessons Learned .” He also served as a member of NATO Mission Iraq Strategic Assessment Capability (NMISAC), advising senior NATO Commanders on Iraq and the region; assumed lead“ Iraq, ClimateRelated Security Risk Assessment authorship of the research r eport ,” which was used in the July 2018 UN Security Council debate on the nexus between climate change and security, brought forward under the Swedish Presidency of the Council. Hassan also served as a member of the Atlantic Council’s Task Force Report on the Future of Iraq the Defeat of ISIS ;” co“ Achieving Long Term Stability to Ensure led the Working Group Rights & Protection of Minorities in the Middle East, Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH), Paris; and provides regular speeches, lectures, hearings and briefings at think tanks, universities, government agencies and the European Parliament. Kawa Hassan holds a Master of Science in International Relations, Political Science from the University of Amsterdam, and studied English and German at the AlUniversity, Baghdad, Iraq.