Andreas G. Boudouvis is a Professor in the School of Chemical Engineering (SChE) and since October 2019 Rector of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).
He has been SChE Dean (2013-2016), Head of the SChE Department of Process Analysis and Plant Design (2005-2007), Director of the SChE Computer Center (2009-2019) and Director of the Inter-Departmental Graduate Studies Program "Computational Mechanics" of NTUA (2011-2018).
He holds a Diploma from NTUA (1982) and a PhD from the University of Minnesota (1987), both in chemical engineering. He has been a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (1989-90), Senior Visiting Research Fellow at the Army High Performance Computing Research Center, USA (1991), Visiting Professor at the Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France (2012), Visiting Researcher at the Fondation de Cooperation Scientifique Sciences et Technologies pour l’Aéronautique et l’Espace, Toulouse, France (2014) and Visiting Professor at the Johns Hopkins University, USA (2018-2019).
Professor A. Boudouvis teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Transport Phenomena and Computational Methods. His research interests are in: computational transport phenomena; interfacial phenomena and especially electromagnetic effects at fluid interfaces; nonlinear phenomena including instabilities and pattern formation; multiscale analysis, model reduction and machine learning; large-scale scientific computing.