Niki Kerameus is the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs of the Hellenic Republic since July 2019. As Minister, she has sought to promote reforms along five axes: (1) upgrading of skills, both soft and digital; (2) enhancing the twin pillar of autonomy and evaluation; (3) strengthening the link of the education system to the industry and labour market; (4) fostering inclusion and quality upgrading; and (5) promoting extroversion and the internationalisation of the education system. Ms. Kerameus has been serving as a Member of the Hellenic Parliament since January 2015. She is a lawyer by profession practicing mainly in the field of international arbitration, with significant experience in Greece, France and the USA. She is a graduate of the Harvard Law School and the University Paris II (from which she graduated first and summa cum laude). She is a founding member and first President of the Non-profit Foundation “Desmos”, which locates surplus from companies and individuals to cover the needs of Greece’s most vulnerable citizens and social welfare organizations.