General Konstantinos Floros

General Konstantinos Floros


Hellenic National Defence General Staff, Greece

General Konstantinos Floros has been appointed Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff (HNDS) since the 17th of January 2020. He was born in Chalkis (Evia island), Greece, on the 24th June 1961. He joined the Hellenic Military Academy in 1979 and graduated in 1983 as an Infantry Lieutenant.

After the completion of his training as an Infantry Officer, he was appointed Platoon Leader in the Hellenic Army NCO Military Academy and after that Company Commander in an Infantry Battalion, in Samos Island.

In 1986 he was selected to join the Hellenic Special Forces (SF) and he graduated from all Special Forces (SF) courses in Greece, including the Hellenic Navy Underwater Demolition Team (UDT) Course. In 1992 he attended the U.S. Special Forces Qualification Course, in Fort Bragg North Carolina (N.C).

Until 1994, he was assigned in the 575 Marines Battalion, 3d Special Amphibious Battalion and 2nd Para Battalion, serving as Company Commander, Support Company Commander and Operations Officer.

In 1994 he was assigned in 505 Marines Battalion, concluding his tour of duty in 1997 as Battalion Commander. Then he was transferred to the Hellenic Army Special Operations Directorate, as Staff Officer (Intelligence).

In 1999 he attended the War College in Thessaloniki (Greece). The following year he was assigned as Intelligence Officer of the 13th Special Operations Command. In 2003 he was appointed to the Special Forces Directorate/J3//Hellenic Army General Staff and
in 2004 he was appointed Z’ Special Amphibious Battalion Commander.

In 2005 he was appointed to SHAPE Belgium as Staff Officer of GRC National Military Representative and upon returning to Greece in 2008 he was selected to attend the Hellenic National Defence College. After that, in 2009 he was assigned at the Hellenic National Defense General Staff / SOF Directorate as the Chief Special Operations Section (Special Ops Plans).

In 2011, he was appointed Chief of Staff (COS) of XVI Mechanized Division (Infantry) and in 2012 he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General and assigned Commander of the 13th Special Operations Command.

In March 2014 he was appointed to the Hellenic Army General Staff (HAGS) as Director of Land Operations, and in March 2015 he was promoted to Major General and appointed as Operations Branch Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff (HNDGS).

Upon consecutive decisions of the Governmental Council for Foreign Affairs and Defence, he was appointed Chief of Staff of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff in January 2017, promoted to Lieutenant General and appointed Deputy Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff in March 2017, and Commander of the 1st Hellenic Army/EL EU-OHQ in January 2019.

In January 2020 he was promoted to General and upon decision of the Governmental Council for Foreign Affairs and Defence, he was appointed Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff (HNDS).

General Floros is fluent in English and he holds a Master of Arts in International Relations and Strategic Studies and a Tittle of Studies in Strategic Analysis and Crisis Management. He holds all Greek decorations of his rank and the NATO Medal for Peace Support Operations.

On May 2021 General Konstantinos Floros had been awarded by the CHOD of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with the King Abdulaziz Badge of Honor of the Excellent Class, by the order of King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

On October 2021 he had been awarded by the Chief of Defense of France General Thierry Burkhard with the Medal of the Legion of Honour from the French Republic, by the order of President of the French Republic.

On November 2021 he had been awarded by the Director of the Office of Legal Affairs, Allied Command Operations – OLA ACO of SHAPE mr Andrés B. Muñoz Mosquera, as representative of the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe – SACEUR General Tod D.
Wolters, the Medal «Serge Lazareff Prize – Legal Services». On July 2022 he had been awarded by the Commander of United States Special Operations Command – USSOCOM General Richard D. Clarke, the Medal «United States Special Operations Command».
He is married with Anna-Maria Tsikrikoni, BSc holder in economics. He has two daughters.

Saturday 29

  • 10.30 - 10.55

    Fireside Chat


    location_onExhibition Hall | European Cultural Centre of Delphi