Ignacio Armella Chávez (Accademia Vivarium novum): Born in Mexico City in 1986, he obtained a degree in classical philology from the National autonomous university of Mexico (UNAM) in 2009, with a thesis on The death of Socrates according to Plato. Consecutively, he obtained his master’s degree in Christian and classical letters at the Pontificium institutum altioris Latinitatis in Rome with the thesis written in Latin Coincidentia oppositorum: quid Nicolaus Cusanus et Marsilius Ficinus de concordia senserint (later published by Edizioni Accademia Vivarium novum). Since 2010, he has taught History of ancient philosophy and Advanced Latin composition at the Accademia Vivarium novum, an institution internationally renowned for its innovative methods for the teaching of classical languages and its endeavor of renewal of classical education. As vice-president of the same institution, he contributes assiduously to its academic, cultural and publishing activities, and has participated in several international conferences and courses, both as an organizer and as a speaker. Among his publications, there is a number of articles and contributions, being the most recent an essay on the urgency of classical education in the modern world: Quod eritque fuitque: giochi di specchi fra l’accaduto e l’avvenire (Edizioni Accademia Vivarium novum, 2022).