Katerina Tsamouri

Katerina Tsamouri

Dipl. Correspondent & Anchor Woman

Star Channel/Apogevmatini Newspaper, Greece

2013–2015 Part-time journalist
www.star.gr, (official news website of “Star Channel” TV) Athens (Greece)
-Column writer (subjects : international news, politics, news/ current affairs in
Greece, opinion articles)
-Participated, initiated and contributed in the field of research and articles on
the Greek economy, international finance and trade
-Published articles related to Greek and international politics
2015–2016 Full-time journalist
www.star.gr, (official news website of “Star Channel” TV) Athens (Greece)
-Column writer (subjects: international news, politics, news/ current affairs in
Greece , opinion articles)
-Participated, initiated and contributed in the field of research and articles on
the Greek economy, international finance and trade
-Published articles about Greek and international politics
-External reporting on a wide range of issues
2016 –2020 Full-time journalist
“Star Channel” TV News
36, Viltanioti Kifisia, 14562 Athens (Greece)
-Political and economic reporting. Αccredited journalist at the Ministry of
2016 – To date Full-time journalist
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“Star Channel” TV News
36, Viltanioti Kifisia, 14562 Athens (Greece)
-Political and diplomatic reporting. Αccredited journalist at the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs
2023 – To date Full-time journalist
“Apogeumatini” Newspaper
-Political and diplomatic reporting. Αccredited journalist at the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs
-External reporting on multiple current issues of discussion, domestically and
-Live reporting during broadcast and presenting current socioeconomic news
-Conducting journalistic missions within the prefecture of Greece and across
-Member of Association of Editors of Athens Daily Newspapers “ΕΣΗΕΑ”

Saturday 29